Monday, November 16, 2009

Accept but will Appeal?

Politicians really have a way with words. I am speaking of Barisan Nasional's official stands on the High Court Decision of declaring Kota Siputeh Kedah state seats vacant. The High Court had ruled that Datuk Abu Hassan Sarif is no longer the assemblyman for the constituency and declared his seat vacant because he was absent for two consecutive assembly meetings this year.

The consequences of the High Court decision is that there will be a re-election to be held in Kota Siputeh, Kedah.

The funny thing is that BN, correction, UMNO decision is to accept the High Court decision (read ruling) but will appeal. Hmmm... I mean, if you accept a decision (read ruling), will you appeal against it? If you are going to appeal against a ruling, doesn't that mean you do not accept the ruling? So, where is the logic in accepting the ruling then appeal against it? Or put it in another way, why accept the ruling if you are going to appeal against it? Or put it in yet another way, if you are going to appeal against a ruling, can you say you accepted the decision (read ruling)?

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